
HOKA ONE ONE releases new running shoe Clifton Edge

Reading time: 2 Minuten

Time to get smooth: Since 15 June 2020, it has been possible to pre-order it, and now the new HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge is officially available in the online shop.

The Clifton Edge is a neutral all-round training running shoe, which - as the name suggests - is based on the HOKA ONE ONE success model Clifton, which was first introduced in 2014 and will soon be updated with the Clifton 7.

It is designed to be the smoothest ride on the road.

With maximal cushion and minimal weight, the Clifton Edge should give athletes at every level of fitness classes the typical HOKA ONE ONE feeling of being able to "fly over the running course".

"The Clifton Edge features a unique extended heel geometry designed to provide a smooth impact for a gliding sensation while moving; combined with the softest, lightest foam yet featured in any HOKA shoes, the Clifton Edge is the latest pinnacle in the brand’s unique approach to footwear and apparel."

Maximal cushion at minimal weight

In direct comparison to the Clifton 6 or 7, the Clifton Edge is 15% lighter with 252g and has a 5mm blast (forefoot 24 mm/rearfoot 29 mm). The RRP is €160,00.

“HOKA is writing the story of performance footwear as we speak, and the Clifton Edge marks an exciting new chapter in that narrative,” said Wendy Yang, President of HOKA ONE ONE.

  • Price: €160,00 (RRP)
  • Weight: 252g (15% lighter than Clifton 6/7)
  • Intro: 5 mm
  • Stack: 24mm/29mm
  • Base: Clifton 6/7
  • Available from: 2020-07-01
  • More informations: HOKA ONE ONE Website
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